Nonlinear Optimization

The main result of running rsdfit nlopt ... is a *.npz file saved to the output directory for each MCMC chain that was run. These results can be loaded from file using the pyRSD.rsdfit.results.LBFGSResults class.

The LBFGSResults stores the best-fit values for both the free parameters and the constrained parameters, as computed from the final iteration of the LBFGS algorithm.

The best-fit parameter values and the corresponding minimum \(\chi^2 value\) can be quickly displayed by printing the LBFGSResults object. For example,

In [1]: from pyRSD.rsdfit.results import LBFGSResults

In [2]: results = LBFGSResults.from_npz('nlopt_result.npz')

# print out a summary of the best-fit parameters
In [3]: print(results)
minimum chi2 = 120.57745038002743

Free parameters [ mean ]
Nsat_mult      : 2.4324089012014207
alpha_par      : 1.0072991239946898
alpha_perp     : 1.0048333693698863
b1_cA          : 2.0068377074748778
f              : 0.8735346371321935
f1h_sBsB       : 3.6140366462767153
fs             : 0.14175570928456935
fsB            : 0.4782779433107577
gamma_b1sA     : 1.31213984320964
gamma_b1sB     : 2.3651886897525896
sigma8_z       : 0.5363993024676117
sigma_c        : 0.9194602113178405
sigma_sA       : 3.420304679802984

Constrained parameters [ mean ]
NsBsB          : 51736.1
b1_sA          : 2.6332517
NcBs           : 23183.68
fcB            : 0.11864934
sigma_sB       : 5.739127
b1_sB          : 4.74655
b1_cB          : 3.2117057
epsilon        : 0.0008172965
b1_c           : 2.1497946
b1sigma8       : 1.2667638
alpha          : 1.0056546
F_AP           : 1.0024539
b1_s           : 3.6439955
fsigma8        : 0.46856338
b1             : 2.3616061

The minimum \(\chi^2\) value can be accessed from the min_chi2 attribute of the LBFGSResults object.

Parameter Access

The LBFGSResults object provides access to the parameters via a dictionary-like behavior. When accessing parameters using the name as the key, the best-fit value of that parameter is returned.

For example,

# growth rate
In [4]: f = results['f']

In [5]: print(f)

# power spectrum normalization
In [6]: sigma8 = results['sigma8_z']

In [7]: print(sigma8)

# this is the product of f and sigma8_z
In [8]: fs8 = results['fsigma8']

In [9]: print(fs8)

In [10]: print(numpy.isclose(fs8, f*sigma8))

The Best-fit Values

The user can quickly access the best-fit parameter vector using the min_chi2_values attribute, which returns the value of each free parameter at the minimum \(\chi^2\) of the fit. Similarly, the min_chi2_constrained_values attribute returns the corresponding value of each constrained parameter at the minimum \(\chi^2\).