
The main class that is responsible for handling the data statistics, as well as the covariance matrix used during parameter estimation, is the pyRSD.rsdfit.FittingDriver class. This class combines data and theory to run a Bayesian likelihood analysis.

Information about the parameters that are needed to initialize the FittingDriver class can be found by using the FittingDriver.help() function,

In [1]: from pyRSD.rsdfit import FittingDriver

# print out the help message for the parameters needed
In [2]: FittingDriver.help()
Initialization Parameters for FittingDriver
burnin :

        An integer specifying the number of MCMC steps to consider as part
        of the "burn-in" period when saving the results

        This doesn't affect the parameter estimation at all; it simply
        changes what best-fit parameters are printed to the screen when
        the fitting is over. All iterations are saved to file regardless of
        the value of this parameter.

	Default: 0

epsilon :

        The Gelman-Rubin convergence criterion

	Default: 0.02

init_from :

        How to initialize the optimization; can be 'nlopt', 'fiducial',
        'prior', or 'result'; default is None

	Default: fiducial

init_scatter :

        The percentage of additional scatter to add to the initial fitting
        parameters; default is 0

	Default: 0

lbfgs_epsilon :

        The step-size for derivatives in LBFGS; default is 1e-4

        A dictionary can supplied where keys specify the value to use
        for specific free parameters

	Default: 0.0001

lbfgs_numerical :

        If `True`, evaluate gradients of P(k,mu) numerically using finite difference

	Default: False

lbfgs_numerical_from_lnlike :

        If `True`, evaluate the gradient by taking the numerical derivative
        of :func:`minus_lnlike`

	Default: False

lbfgs_options :

        Configuration options to pass to the LBFGS solver

	Default: {'factr': 100000.0, 'gtol': 1e-05}

lbfgs_use_priors :

        Whether to use priors when solving with the LBFGS algorithm; default
        is ``True``

	Default: True

start_from :

        The name of a result file to initialize the optimization from

	Default: None

test_convergence :

        Whether to test for convergence of the parameter fits

        For MCMC fits, the Gelman-Rubin criteria is used as specified
        by the 'epsilon' parameter. For the LBFGS solver, the
        convergence criteria is set by the 'lbfgs_options' attribute.

	Default: False

theory_decorator :

        A decorator to wrap the default theory output.

        Users can use this to compute linear combinations of multipoles, for

	Default: {}

tracer_type :

        The type of tracer, either 'galaxy' or 'quasar'

	Default: galaxy

These parameters should be specified in the parameter file that is passed to the rsdfit executable and the names of the parameters should be prefixed with the driver. prefix. In our example parameter file discussed previously, we the following parameters

# driver_params
driver.burnin = 0
driver.epsilon = 0.02
driver.init_from = 'fiducial'
driver.init_scatter = 0.0
driver.lbfgs_epsilon = {'Nsat_mult': 0.01, 'f1h_cBs': 0.01}
driver.lbfgs_options = {'ftol': 1e-10, 'xtol': 1e-10, 'gtol': 1e-05}
driver.lbfgs_use_priors = True
driver.solver_type = 'nlopt'
driver.start_from = None
driver.test_convergence = False

These parameters allow the user to specify which type of data is being fit, either “galaxy” or “quasar” and to pass options to the solver being used, either the emcee MCMC solver or the NLOPT solver. We will detail the MCMC solver (MCMC) and the LBFGS solver (Nonlinear Optimization) in the next sections.