Nonlinear Optimization

The pyRSD package includes a LBFGS solver to find the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimates of the best-fit theory parameters.

Command-line Options

The MAP parameter values can be found by passing the nlopt sub-command to the rsdfit executable. The calling sequence for the nlopt command is

$ rsdfit nlopt -h
usage: rsdfit [-h] [--version] {mcmc,nlopt,restart,analyze} ... 

From more help on each of the subcommands, type:
rsdfit mcmc -h
rsdfit nlopt -h
rsdfit restart -h
rsdfit analyze -h nlopt
       [-h] [-m MODEL] [-p PARAMS] [--silent] -i ITERATIONS -o FOLDER
       [--debug] [--no-save-model]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        file name holding the model path
  -p PARAMS, --params PARAMS
                        file name holding the driver, theory, and data
  --silent              silence the standard output to the console
  -i ITERATIONS         the maximum number of iterations to run (required)
  -o FOLDER, --output FOLDER
                        the folder where the results will be written
  --debug               whether to print more info about the mpi4py.Pool
  --no-save-model       do not save the model instance

The main options are the parameter file, passed by the -p option, the directory to save results, passed by the -o option, and the name of a model to load, passed by the -m file. In addition, the are maximum number of optimaztion steps should be passed via -i, —iterations flag.

Initializing the NLOPT Solver

The method used to initialize either the MCMC chains can be configured using the driver.init_from parameter. The allowed values of this parameter when using the MCMC solver are:

  1. fiducial :

    Initialize the parameters to their fiducial values, specified in the parameter file via the fiducial keyword for each free parameter

  2. result :

    Initialize the free parameters the values of the parameters from from a previous result. In this case, the driver.start_from parameter should give the name of a .npz, which can be loaded into either a pyRSD.rsdfit.results.LBFGSResults or pyRSD.rsdfit.results.EmceeResults object.

Additionally, the driver.init_scatter can be set to add random scatter drawn from a normal distributition with mean zero and standard deviation set by the value of driver.init_scatter. Specifically, this parameter gives the percent scatter to add, relative to the value of the parameter’s fiducial value.

Parameter Derivatives

The LBFGS algorithm requires the derivatives of the model with respective to the free parameters, and analytic derivatives of nearly all of the parameters in the default parametrization of the GalaxySpectrum model are builtin into the package. However for some parameters, it is necessary to estimate their derivatives numerically. To do so, the NLOPT solver uses a central-difference numerical derivative with the step-size set by the user, depending on the value of the driver.lbfgs_epsilon parameter.

The driver.lbfgs_epsilon parameter can be specified as a single float, in which case this step size will be used for all parameters that require numerical derivatives. Alternatively, the parameter can be specified as a dictionary, providing different values of the step size for different parameters. This is particularly useful for parameters that have drastically different magnitudes in order to avoid numerical instabilities.

The Stopping Criteria

The LBFGS algorithm will stop when either the number of iterations has been reached, or if driver.test_convergence is set to True, when any of the convergence criteria are satisfied. These criteria can be specified by the user by adjusting the driver.lbfgs_options parameter. This parameter is a dictionary of options with the following keys:

  1. factr :

    Stopping criterion based on the value of the objective function, given by (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= factr * eps where eps is the machine precision. Typical values for factr are: 1e12 for low accuracy; 1e7 for moderate accuracy; 10.0 for extremely high accuracy. Default is 1e5.

  2. gtol :

    Stopping criterion based on the absolute value of the gradient norm of the objective function, given by max(abs(G_k)) <= gtol. Default is 1e-5.