MCMC Results

The best-fit parameter vector can be accessed from the MCMC chain using the following functions of the EmceeResults object:

EmceeResults.values() Convenience function to return the median values for the free parameters as an array
EmceeResults.constrained_values() Convenience function to return the median values for the constrained parameters as an array
EmceeResults.max_lnprob_values() Return the value of the free parameters at the iteration with the maximum probability
EmceeResults.max_lnprob_constrained_values() Return the value of the constrained parameters at the iteration with the maximum probability
EmceeResults.peak_values() Convenience function to return the peak values for the free parameters as an array
EmceeResults.peak_constrained_values() Convenience function to return the peak values for the constrained parameters as an array

The results object can be saved and loaded from file using:

EmceeResults.to_npz(filename, **meta) Save the relevant information of the class to a numpy npz file
EmceeResults.from_npz(filename) Load a numpy npz file and return the corresponding EmceeResults object

Correlations between parameters can be analyzed using:

EmceeResults.sorted_1d_corrs([params, …]) Return a pandas DataFrame holding the correlation matrix, as computed from the chains DataFrame, for all parameters
EmceeResults.corr([params, labels, use_latex]) Return a pandas DataFrame holding the correlation matrix, as computed from the chains DataFrame, for all parameters

The results can be visualized with the following function, which take advantage of the seaborn Python plotting module:

EmceeResults.jointplot_2d(param1, param2[, …]) Plot the 2D traces of the given parameters, using KDE via the seaborn.jointplot() function.
EmceeResults.kdeplot_2d(param1, param2[, …]) Plot the 2D traces of the given parameters, using KDE via seaborn.kdeplot()
EmceeResults.plot_correlation([params, …]) Plot the diagonal correlation matrix, using seaborn.heatmap
EmceeResults.plot_timeline(*names, **kwargs) Plot the chain timeline for as many parameters as specified in the names tuple.
EmceeResults.plot_triangle(*names, **kwargs) Make a triange plot for the desired parameters using the corner.corner() function.
class pyRSD.rsdfit.results.EmceeResults(sampler, fit_params, burnin=None, **meta)

Class to hold the fitting results from an emcee MCMC run


Return a dictionary of the values, either the median, peak, or max_lnprob


The number of iterations to treat as part of the “burnin” period, where the chain hasn’t stabilized yet

chains(params=[], labels={}, use_latex=False)

Return a pandas DataFrame holding the chains (flat traces) as columns for both the free and constrained parameters

Note that any burnin is removed from the chains.


params : list, {‘free’, ‘constrained’}, optional

return only a subset of the parameters

use_latex : bool, optional

If True, try to use any available latex names for the tick labels; default is False


DataFrame :

the DataFrame holding the flat traces for all parameters


Convenience function to return the median values for the constrained parameters as an array


Return a deep copy of the EmceeResults object

corr(params=[], labels={}, use_latex=False)

Return a pandas DataFrame holding the correlation matrix, as computed from the chains DataFrame, for all parameters


params : list, {‘free’, ‘constrained’}, optional

return only a subset of the parameters

use_latex : bool, optional

If True, try to use any available latex names for the tick labels; default is False


DataFrame (Np, Np) :

the DataFrame holding the correlation between parameters


Rescale error on parameters due to covariance matrix from mocks

classmethod from_npz(filename)

Load a numpy npz file and return the corresponding EmceeResults object


The number of iterations performed, as computed from the chain

jointplot_2d(param1, param2, thin=1, rename={}, crosshairs={}, **kwargs)

Plot the 2D traces of the given parameters, using KDE via the seaborn.jointplot() function.


param1 : str

the name of the first parameter

param2 : str

the name of the second parameter

thin : int, optional

thin the plotted array randomly by this amount

rename : dict, optional

dictionary giving a string to rename each variable; default will try to use any latex names stored

crosshairs : dict, optional

values to show as horizontal or vertical lines

**kwargs :

additional keyword arguments to pass to seaborn


Any iterations during the “burnin” period are excluded

kdeplot_2d(param1, param2, thin=1, rename={}, crosshairs={}, **kwargs)

Plot the 2D traces of the given parameters, using KDE via seaborn.kdeplot()


param1 : str

the name of the first parameter

param2 : str

the name of the second parameter

thin : int, optional

thin the plotted array randomly by this amount

rename : dict, optional

dictionary giving a string to rename each variable; default will try to use any latex names stored

crosshairs : dict, optional

values to show as horizontal or vertical lines

**kwargs :

additional keyword arguments to pass to seaborn


Any iterations during the “burnin” period are excluded


The value of the maximum log probability


Return the value of the constrained parameters at the iteration with the maximum probability


Return the value of the free parameters at the iteration with the maximum probability


The number of free parameters


Convenience function to return the peak values for the constrained parameters as an array


Convenience function to return the peak values for the free parameters as an array

plot_correlation(params=[], use_latex=True, labelsize=10)

Plot the diagonal correlation matrix, using seaborn.heatmap


params : list, {‘free’, ‘constrained’}, optional

return only a subset of the parameters

use_latex : bool, optional

If True, try to use any available latex names for the tick labels; default is True. You might want to set this to False if you are trying to use mpld3

plot_timeline(*names, **kwargs)

Plot the chain timeline for as many parameters as specified in the names tuple.

This plots the value of each walker as a function of iteration.


names : tuple

The string names of the parameters to plot

outfile : str, optional

If not None, save the resulting figure with the specified name


fig : matplotlib.Figure

The figure object


Any iterations during the “burnin” period are excluded

plot_triangle(*names, **kwargs)

Make a triange plot for the desired parameters using the corner.corner() function.


names : tuple

The string names of the parameters to plot

thin : int, optional

The factor to thin the number of samples plotted by. Default is 1 (plot all samples)

outfile : str, optional

If not None, save the resulting figure with the specified name


fig : matplotlib.Figure

The figure object


Any iterations during the “burnin” period are excluded

sorted_1d_corrs(params=[], use_latex=False, absval=False)

Return a pandas DataFrame holding the correlation matrix, as computed from the chains DataFrame, for all parameters


params : list, {‘free’, ‘constrained’}, optional

return only a subset of the parameters

use_latex : bool, optional

If True, try to use any available latex names for the tick labels; default is False


DataFrame (Np, Np) :

the DataFrame holding the correlation between parameters


Summarize the fit, by plotting figures and outputing the relevant information

to_npz(filename, **meta)

Save the relevant information of the class to a numpy npz file


Convenience function to return the median values for the free parameters as an array

verify_param_ordering(free_params, constrained_params)

Verify the ordering of EmceeResults.chain, making sure that the chains have the ordering specified by free_params and constrained_params


The number of walkers, as computed from the chain

class pyRSD.rsdfit.results.EmceeParameter(name, trace, burnin=0)

Class to hold the parameter fitting result


The number of iterations to exclude as part of the “burn-in” phase


Rescale errors by this factor


The fiducial value of the parameter


Returns the flattened chain, excluding steps that occured during the “burnin” period


Return the average value of the chain


Return the median of the trace, i.e., the 50th percentile of the trace


Return the lower and upper one-sigma error intervals

These are computed from the percentiles, 50 - 15.86555 and 84.13445 - 50


lower, upper

The lower and upper 1-sigma error intervals


Return the value of the parameter that gives the peak of the posterior PDF, as determined through Gaussian kernel density estimation


The one-sigma standard error, averaging the lower and upper bounds


Return the lower and upper three-sigma error intervals

There are computed from the percentiles, 50 - 0.135 and 99.865 - 50


lower, upper

The lower and upper 3-sigma error intervals


Return the sample values at a specific iteration number.

shape: (nwalkers, niters)


Return the lower and upper two-sigma error intervals.

These are computed from the percentiles, 50 - 2.2775 and 97.7225 - 50


lower, upper

The lower and upper 2-sigma error intervals

NLOPT Results

class pyRSD.rsdfit.results.LBFGSResults(data, fit_params)

Class to hold the fitting results from an scipy.optimize L-BFGS-B nonlinear optimization run.


Return a deep copy of the LBFGSResults object

classmethod from_npz(filename)

Load a numpy npz file and return the corresponding LBFGSResults object


The total number of iterations ran


The number of free parameters

summarize_fit(*args, **kwargs)

Summarize the fit by printing self


Save the relevant information of the class to a numpy npz file

verify_param_ordering(free_params, constrained_params)

Verify the ordering of of parameters, making sure that the ordering specified by free_params and constrained_params is respected in the results