Getting Started

The rsdfit Executable

The pyRSD package includes a rsdfit executable that is capable of running parameter estimation using the power spectrum models GalaxySpectrum and QuasarSpectrum to fit power spectrum data input by the user.

After installing the pyRSD package, the rsdfit command should be located on your PATH. We can then print the help message for the command via

$ rsdfit -h
usage: rsdfit [-h] [--version] {mcmc,nlopt,restart,analyze} ... 

From more help on each of the subcommands, type:
rsdfit mcmc -h
rsdfit nlopt -h
rsdfit restart -h
rsdfit analyze -h

fitting redshift space power spectrum observations with the `pyRSD` model

positional arguments:
    mcmc                find the best-fitting parameters using emcee to run
                        MCMC chains
    nlopt               use nonlinear optimization to find the best-fitting
                        using the LBFGS algorithm
    restart             restart a parameter estimation fit from an existing
    analyze             analyze the results of an MCMC parameter fit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             print the pyRSD version and exit

The rsdfit command contains four sub-commands: nlopt, mcmc, restart, and analyze. The most important of these sub-commands are nlopt and mcmc. This allows the user to run fresh parameter fits from scratch, which is the main use case for the rsdfit executable.

The calling sequence for the mcmc command is

$ rsdfit mcmc -h
usage: rsdfit [-h] [--version] {mcmc,nlopt,restart,analyze} ... 

From more help on each of the subcommands, type:
rsdfit mcmc -h
rsdfit nlopt -h
rsdfit restart -h
rsdfit analyze -h mcmc
       [-h] [-m MODEL] [-p PARAMS] [--silent] -w WALKERS -i ITERATIONS
       [-n NCHAINS] -o FOLDER [--debug] [--no-save-model]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        file name holding the model path
  -p PARAMS, --params PARAMS
                        file name holding the driver, theory, and data
  --silent              silence the standard output to the console
  -w WALKERS            number of emcee walkers to run the MCMC chain
  -i ITERATIONS         number of steps to run in the MCMC chain (required)
  -n NCHAINS, --nchains NCHAINS
                        number of MCMC chains to run concurrently
  -o FOLDER, --output FOLDER
                        the folder where the results will be written
  --debug               whether to print more info about the mpi4py.Pool
  --no-save-model       do not save the model instance

and for the nlopt command is

$ rsdfit nlopt -h
usage: rsdfit [-h] [--version] {mcmc,nlopt,restart,analyze} ... 

From more help on each of the subcommands, type:
rsdfit mcmc -h
rsdfit nlopt -h
rsdfit restart -h
rsdfit analyze -h nlopt
       [-h] [-m MODEL] [-p PARAMS] [--silent] -i ITERATIONS -o FOLDER
       [--debug] [--no-save-model]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        file name holding the model path
  -p PARAMS, --params PARAMS
                        file name holding the driver, theory, and data
  --silent              silence the standard output to the console
  -i ITERATIONS         the maximum number of iterations to run (required)
  -o FOLDER, --output FOLDER
                        the folder where the results will be written
  --debug               whether to print more info about the mpi4py.Pool
  --no-save-model       do not save the model instance

The three most important options for these sub-commands are:

  1. -p, —params

    The name of the main parameter file to load; this holds all of the relevant information about the data, theory, and main driver parameters. We’ll discuss these parameter files in more detail in the next section.

  2. -o, —output

    This is the name of the directory where the results will be saved. Each time rsdfit is run, the parameter file is saved to a file “params.dat” in this directory as well. If this folder already exists and contains a “params.dat” file, those parameters will be used and results will be added to the existing directory.

  3. -m, —model

    The name of a file holding a GalaxySpectrum or QuasarSpectrum object to be loaded by the code. This argument is optional, but providing an already initialized model file will save a significant amount of time, since the code won’t need to initialize a model from scratch. See Model Initialization for more details on initializing and saving models.

Parameter Files

The rsdfit command is configured through a single main parameter file. This parameter file is responsible for not only configuring the main rsdfit executable, but also for specifying the relevant theory parameters and information about the data measurements to load. To separate the different classes of parameters, the parameter names are prefixed with an additional identifier, one of

  1. driver: general parameters that determine the rsdfit configuration
  2. data: the parameters specifying the data and covariance matrix to load
  3. theory: the theoretical parameters for the desired pyRSD model, which determines the free pararameters, constrained parameters, etc, during the fitting procedure
  4. model: parameters specifying the GalaxySpectrum or QuasarSpectrum configuration; these are parameters that are passed to the __init__() function of these model classes

We’ll be exploring each of these parameter types in much more detail in the next few sections, but for now, let’s take a quick look at an example parameter file:

# driver_params
driver.burnin = 0
driver.epsilon = 0.02
driver.init_from = 'fiducial'
driver.init_scatter = 0.0
driver.lbfgs_epsilon = {'Nsat_mult': 0.01, 'f1h_cBs': 0.01}
driver.lbfgs_options = {'ftol': 1e-10, 'xtol': 1e-10, 'gtol': 1e-05}
driver.lbfgs_use_priors = True
driver.solver_type = 'nlopt'
driver.start_from = None
driver.test_convergence = False

# data params
data.covariance = '$(PYRSD_DATA)/examples/runPB_poles_gaussian_cov.dat'
data.covariance_Nmocks = 0
data.covariance_rescaling = 1.0
data.data_file = '$(PYRSD_DATA)/examples/runPB_galaxy_poles.dat'
data.ells = [0, 2, 4]
data.fitting_range = [(0.02, 0.4), (0.02, 0.4), (0.02, 0.4)]
data.grid_file = '$(PYRSD_DATA)/examples/runPB_pkmu_grid.dat'
data.mode = 'poles'
data.mu_bounds = None
data.statistics = ['pole_0', 'pole_2', 'pole_4']
data.usedata = range(0, 3)
data.window_file = None

# theory params
theory.F_AP = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'F_AP', 'expr': 'alpha_par/alpha_perp'}
theory.N = {'value': 0, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'min': 0, 'name': 'N', 'lower': 0, 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 0, 'upper': 500}
theory.NcBs = {'value': 29608.657627046545, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'NcBs', 'fiducial': 45000.0, 'expr': 'f1h_cBs / (fcB*(1 - fs)*nbar)'}
theory.NsBsB = {'value': 94583.2118641765, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'NsBsB', 'fiducial': 94500.0, 'expr': 'f1h_sBsB / (fsB**2 * fs**2 * nbar) * (fcB*(1 - fs) - fs*(1-fsB))'}
theory.Nsat_mult = {'value': 2.4, 'vary': True, 'sigma': 0.2, 'min': 2.0, 'name': 'Nsat_mult', 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 2.4, 'mu': 2.4, 'analytic': False}
theory.alpha = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'alpha', 'expr': '(alpha_perp**2 * alpha_par)**(1./3)'}
theory.alpha_par = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'alpha_par', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 1.0, 'upper': 1.2, 'lower': 0.8}
theory.alpha_perp = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'alpha_perp', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 1.0, 'upper': 1.2, 'lower': 0.8}
theory.b1 = {'value': 2.124276, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1', 'expr': '(1 - fs)*b1_c + fs*b1_s'}
theory.b1_c = {'value': 1.9981383928571428, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1_c', 'expr': '(1 - fcB)*b1_cA + fcB*b1_cB'}
theory.b1_cA = {'value': 1.9, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1_cA', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 1.9, 'upper': 2.5, 'lower': 1.2}
theory.b1_cB = {'value': 3.0028260869565218, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1_cB', 'fiducial': 2.84, 'expr': '(1-fsB)/(1+fsB*(1./Nsat_mult - 1)) * b1_sA +  (1 - (1-fsB)/(1+fsB*(1./Nsat_mult - 1))) * b1_sB'}
theory.b1_s = {'value': 3.2109999999999994, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1_s', 'expr': '(1 - fsB)*b1_sA + fsB*b1_sB'}
theory.b1_sA = {'value': 2.755, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1_sA', 'fiducial': 2.63, 'expr': 'gamma_b1sA*b1_cA'}
theory.b1_sB = {'value': 3.8949999999999996, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1_sB', 'fiducial': 3.62, 'expr': 'gamma_b1sB*b1_cA'}
theory.b1sigma8 = {'value': 1.29580836, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'b1sigma8', 'expr': 'b1*sigma8_z'}
theory.delta_sigsA = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': False, 'sigma': 0.2, 'min': 0.0, 'name': 'delta_sigsA', 'mu': 1.0, 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 1.0, 'analytic': False}
theory.delta_sigsB = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': False, 'sigma': 0.2, 'min': 0.0, 'name': 'delta_sigsB', 'mu': 1.0, 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 1.0, 'analytic': False}
theory.epsilon = {'value': 0.0, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'epsilon', 'expr': '(alpha_perp/alpha_par)**(-1./3) - 1.0'}
theory.f = {'value': 0.78, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'f', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 0.78, 'upper': 1.0, 'lower': 0.6}
theory.f1h_cBs = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': True, 'sigma': 0.75, 'min': 0, 'name': 'f1h_cBs', 'mu': 1.0, 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 1.0, 'analytic': False}
theory.f1h_sBsB = {'value': 4.0, 'vary': True, 'sigma': 1.0, 'min': 0.0, 'name': 'f1h_sBsB', 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 4.0, 'mu': 4.0, 'analytic': False}
theory.f_so = {'value': 0.0, 'vary': False, 'sigma': 0.02, 'name': 'f_so', 'mu': 0.04, 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 0.0, 'analytic': False}
theory.fcB = {'value': 0.08898809523809524, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'min': 0, 'name': 'fcB', 'max': 1, 'fiducial': 0.089, 'expr': 'fs / (1 - fs) * (1 + fsB*(1./Nsat_mult - 1))'}
theory.fs = {'value': 0.104, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'min': 0.0, 'name': 'fs', 'max': 1, 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 0.104, 'upper': 0.25, 'lower': 0.0}
theory.fsB = {'value': 0.4, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'min': 0.0, 'name': 'fsB', 'max': 1, 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 0.4, 'upper': 1.0, 'lower': 0.0}
theory.fsigma8 = {'value': 0.4758, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'fsigma8', 'expr': 'f*sigma8_z'}
theory.gamma_b1cB = {'value': 0.4, 'vary': False, 'sigma': 0.2, 'min': 0.0, 'name': 'gamma_b1cB', 'max': 1, 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 0.4, 'mu': 0.4, 'analytic': False}
theory.gamma_b1sA = {'value': 1.45, 'vary': True, 'sigma': 0.3, 'min': 1.0, 'name': 'gamma_b1sA', 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 1.45, 'mu': 1.45, 'analytic': False}
theory.gamma_b1sB = {'value': 2.05, 'vary': True, 'sigma': 0.3, 'min': 1.0, 'name': 'gamma_b1sB', 'prior': 'normal', 'fiducial': 2.05, 'mu': 2.05, 'analytic': False}
theory.nbar = {'value': 0.0004235857693396528, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'nbar', 'fiducial': 0.0004235857693396528}
theory.sigma8_z = {'value': 0.61, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'sigma8_z', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 0.61, 'upper': 0.9, 'lower': 0.3}
theory.sigma_c = {'value': 1.0, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'sigma_c', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 1.0, 'upper': 3.0, 'lower': 0.0}
theory.sigma_sA = {'value': 3.5, 'vary': True, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'sigma_sA', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 3.5, 'upper': 8.0, 'lower': 2.0}
theory.sigma_sB = {'value': 4.7072613620519554, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'sigma_sB', 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 5, 'expr': 'sigma_sA * sigmav_from_bias(sigma8_z, b1_sB) / sigmav_from_bias(sigma8_z, b1_sA)', 'lower': 3.0, 'upper': 10.0}
theory.sigma_so = {'value': 0.0, 'vary': False, 'analytic': False, 'name': 'sigma_so', 'lower': 1.0, 'prior': 'uniform', 'fiducial': 0.0, 'upper': 7}

theory_extra.b2_00__0 =  'A0 for generic b2_00'
theory_extra.gamma_b1sA =  'the relative fraction of b1_sA to b1_cA'
theory_extra.delta_sigsA =  'the relative fraction of sigma_sA to sigma_s'
theory_extra.nbar =  'the mean number density in (h/Mpc)^3'
theory_extra.Nsat_mult =  'the mean number of satellites in halos with >1 sat'
theory_extra.gamma_b1cB =  'the relative fraction of b1_cB, varying linear between b1_sA and b1_s'
theory_extra.delta_sigsB =  'the relative fraction of sigma_sB to sigma_s'
theory_extra.f_nbar =  'fraction multiplying nbar'
theory_extra.f1h_sBsB =  'fraction multiplying 1-halo term, NsBsB'
theory_extra.b2_00__4 =  'A4 for generic b2_00'
theory_extra.f1h_cBs =  'fraction multiplying 1-halo term, NcBs'
theory_extra.gamma_b1sB =  'the relative fraction of b1_sB to b1_cA'
theory_extra.b2_00__2 =  'A2 for generic b2_00'

# model params
model.Pdv_model_type = 'jennings'
model.correct_mu2 = False
model.correct_mu4 = False
model.params = 'runPB.ini'
model.fog_model = 'modified_lorentzian'
model.include_2loop = False
model.interpolate = True
model.max_mu = 4
model.transfer_fit = 'CLASS'
model.use_P00_model = True
model.use_P01_model = True
model.use_P11_model = True
model.use_Pdv_model = True
model.use_Phm_model = True
model.use_mean_bias = False
model.use_so_correction = False
model.use_tidal_bias = False
model.use_vlah_biasing = True
model.vel_disp_from_sims = False
model.z = 0.55

The parameter file uses a simple key/value assignment syntax to define the parameters. It is also possible to use environment variables when defining parameters, was was done in the above example for $(PYRSD_DATA).

To learn more about each section of the parameter file, please see the next sections:

  1. Specifying the Data
  2. Specifying the Theory
  3. Running the Fits