
The CLASS Cosmology object

Although the main pyRSD modules require the use of the main pyRSD.rsd.cosmology.Cosmology class, the pyRSD.pygcl module relies on the pyRSD.pygcl.Cosmology class. A pyRSD.pygcl.Cosmology object can be easily initialized from a pyRSD.rsd.cosmology.Cosmology object via the to_class() function, as

In [1]: from pyRSD.rsd.cosmology import Planck15

In [2]: from pyRSD import pygcl

In [3]: class_cosmo = Planck15.to_class()

In [4]: print(class_cosmo)
<pyRSD.pygcl.Cosmology; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Cosmology *' at 0x7f3f0e776bd0> >

Computing Background Quantities

The pyRSD.pygcl.Cosmology calls the CLASS code to compute various cosmological parameters and background quantities as a function of redshift See the API for the full list of available quantities that CLASS can compute. For example, to compute the growth rate as a function of redshift

In [5]: z = numpy.linspace(0, 3, 100)

In [6]: growth = class_cosmo.f_z(z)

The Linear Power Spectrum

Most importantly for pyRSD, the pyRSD.pygcl module includes functionality to compute the linear matter power spectrum using CLASS. The main object for this calculation is the pyRSD.pygcl.LinearPS class, which can be initialized as

# initialize at z = 0
Plin = pygcl.LinearPS(class_cosmo, 0)

# renormalize to different SetSigma8AtZ

# evaluate at k
k = numpy.logspace(-2, 0, 100)
Pk = Plin(k)

# plot
plt.loglog(k, Pk, c='k')

Zel’dovich Power Spectra

The pyRSD.pygcl module can also be used to directly compute power spectra in the Zel’dovich approximation. For example,

# density auto power
P00 = pygcl.ZeldovichP00(class_cosmo, 0)

# density - radial momentum cross power
P01 = pygcl.ZeldovichP01(class_cosmo, 0)

# radial momentum auto power
P11 = pygcl.ZeldovichP11(class_cosmo, 0)

# plot
k = numpy.logspace(-2, 0, 100)
plt.loglog(k, P00(k), label=r'$P_{00}^\mathrm{zel}$')
plt.loglog(k, P01(k), label=r'$P_{01}^\mathrm{zel}$')
plt.loglog(k, P11(k), label=r'$P_{11}^\mathrm{zel}$')

The Correlation Function

The pyRSD.pygcl module also includes functionality for computing the linear and Zel’dovich correlation functions. This is computed by taking the Fourier transform of the power spectrum using FFTLog.

# linear correlation function
CF = pygcl.CorrelationFunction(Plin)

# Zeldovich CF at z = 0.55
CF_zel = pygcl.ZeldovichCF(class_cosmo, 0.55)

# plot
r = numpy.logspace(0, numpy.log10(150), 1000)
plt.plot(r, r**2 * CF(r), label=r'$\xi^\mathrm{lin}$')
plt.plot(r, r**2 * CF_zel(r), label=r'$\xi^\mathrm{zel}$')